The eco-responsible luxury

Convinced that the necessary change in our lifestyle is not a constraint but self-enrichment, we wanted to develop a concept of accommodation that reconciles the services of a luxury guesthouse with a minimal ecological footprint.
New technologies and a strong conviction have allowed us to move in this direction.

Bien Loin d’Ici is a manifesto of tomorrow’s ecology that invites you to live an enriching and, we hope, inspiring experience for your personal projects.

To see our environmental charter, please click here

You will live in a “passive and bioclimatic house” with wood structure, the world’s first realization of the concept ( French-Tech labellized ) for a private home.

45% of our electricity consumption is supplied  by solar energy. Bien Loin d’Ici has installed 30 photovoltaic last generation panels  ( 9Kw production ) and a FREE Electric Vehicle Charging Station.

Annual production 12 MWh

Your heat and cold needs are exclusively produced by air-air and air-water heat pumps.

Your artificial light sources are 100% LED.

Wastewater treatment is entirely natural, thanks to the phytoepuration process (plant treatment).

Waste treatment involves selective sorting and composting.

All building materials came from the area, everything has been sourced locally.

Still and sparkling waters in your minibar come from filtration, remineralization and possibly gasification of tap water.

Toiletries and cleaning products are biodegradable (organic shower gels, white vinegar).

More than 90% of food products composing breakfasts and snacks are organic and/or homemade

“Dry” garden of endemic and adapted plants. No use of pesticides. Minimum irrigation and large (10m3) reserve of rain water

All the performances of a 5 stars hotel, without any concession to luxury and well-being!

And it’s not over! We are processing our Green Key certification and we will continue to experiment and apply new ideas. And why not yours?

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